School profile

The predecessor of the Beijing Institute of Technology was born in 1940 in Yan 'an, the Academy of Natural Sciences, is the Communist Party of China...


Sports department

Sports department组织学习习近平总书记在清华大学考察时的重要讲话精神、组织集体观看《冰球突破》

供稿: Belina 摄影: Cao Er Li 审核: Dong Zhaobo 编辑: Belina 时间:2021-04-27

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On the afternoon of April 23rd,The Party branch directly under the Ministry of Sports organized PE teachers and high-level sports team members to carry out collective learning and education in the conference room of the Sports Department of Zhongguancun Campus,深入学习习近平总书记在清华大学考察时发表的重要讲话精神,Collective viewing of school Party history learning and education original documentary "Red Education Road"。External teachers participated in the study through the Tencent conference。     

党支部书记Dong Zhaobo领学习近平总书记在清华大学考察时发表的重要讲话精神。习近平总书记在报告中强调,The world-class university we want to build is a first-class university of socialism with Chinese characteristics,The socialist education in our country is to train the socialist builders and successors who have the all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, the United States and labor;It is emphasized that the fundamental task should be to promote moral development and cultivate people,We should focus on improving our ability to cultivate talents in an all-round way,We will improve the education system for the comprehensive cultivation of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, the United States and labor,Focus on cultivating first-class talents。Dong Zhaobo谈到,习近平总书记重要讲话,为新时代实现教育现代化、建设教育强国指明了前进方向和奋斗目标,对学校坚持“五育并举”,发挥体育育人在学校Personnel training的重要作用,促进学生全面成长提出了更高的要求。

Sports department主任赵汐进行导学与发言,他谈到习近平总书记多次就青少年体育锻炼作出重要指示,充分体现了党中央对青少年群体运动与健康的重视。Sports department将深入学习贯彻习近平总书记在清华大学考察时发表的重要讲话精神,将立德树人根本任务扛在肩上,深耕体育冰球突破,以高质量体育课程体系,持续创新的教学改革和科研,To ensure that the majority of students achieve the goal of "learning a sports skill, mastering a method of exercise, and forming a healthy habit for life"Through the promotion of physical exercise, stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm, fighting spirit and collective consciousness of teachers and students, take the road of red education, and contribute to the cultivation of socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, the United States and labor。

Sports Department teachers and high-level sports players collectively watched the original documentary "Red Education Road" on school Party history learning and education,The film focuses on the glorious practice of Beijing Institute of Technology in the past 80 years,Through vivid stories and incisive discourse,It fully reflects the higher education with Chinese characteristics under the leadership of the Party from Yan 'an,Inherit the red gene,In different historical periods,Do not forget the virtues of the original heart,Keep in mind the mission of educating people for the Party and educating talents for the country,Serve the major strategic needs of the Party and the country,Finally out of a "red education road" of the mind course。

习近平总书记在清华大学考察时的重要讲话精神在Sports department教师、高水平运动队队员中引起强烈反响。

高水平足球队队员曹汇迪:习近平总书记考察清华大学,与清华大学西体育馆内篮球队员亲切交谈,勉励队员们要坚持德智体美劳全面发展,努力成为祖国建设的栋梁之才。The General Secretary's ardent exhortation is not only for Tsinghua members, but also for every young person。As a member of the school football team,I will continue to carry forward the enterprising spirit of the Beijing Polytechnic football team,Train harder,Race better,Honor our Alma mater,As a college youth,I want to walk with The Times,Bravely bear the mission and responsibility entrusted to us by The Times,Learn and work hard,Contribute more to national construction and development。

Sports department党员教师张月霜:学习习近平总书记在清华大学考察时的重要讲话精神、观看“红色育人之路”影片鼓舞人心、催人奋进,The general Secretary emphasized that teachers are the backbone of educators,College teachers bear the responsibility of imparting knowledge, cultivating ability and shaping correct outlook on life to students,我要牢记习近平总书记对教书育人的重托,To be Mr. Big,To be a model for students to learn, to do things, and to be human,From the development process of Beijing Institute of Technology and the motherland together and with The Times,Feeling the "great nation",Strengthen confidence in moving forward,Based on physical education teaching post,Concentrate on educating people,Promote the healthy growth of students,Guide students to develop lifelong exercise habits and a good lifestyle,Education for the party, education for the country。