Retrace the red footprints and understand the revolutionary spirit

-- Beijing Polytechnic Seiko Academy organized Party members and active party members to carry out learning practices


  To relive the red memory,Understand the revolutionary spirit,Enhance understanding of revolutionary history,Seiko Academy combined with "My motherland I struggle" and "take the responsibility of rejuvenation to do the new era" (Phase II) theme education activities requirements,On June 1-2,Organize party members and activists to go to the Pingxi Intelligence Liaison Station Memorial Hall, no Communist Party there is no New China memorial hall to carry out the "walking Party lesson" 26th and 27th - "review the red footprint.,Understand the Revolutionary Spirit "theme activities。

  June 1 at the memorial of Pingxi Intelligence Liaison Station,The docents introduced the basic situation and important position of Pingxi Intelligence Liaison Station to the students,It also introduces the main work and great contribution of the information liaison station during the Anti-Japanese War and the Liberation War, and the heroic deeds of the intelligence personnel who worked there。After the presentation, the students watched a documentary on the topic at the memorial Hall。During the visit, the students listened carefully and felt the revolutionary spirit of the revolutionary forefathers who were brave and fearless, brave in sacrifice and brave in dedication, and had a deeper understanding of the revolutionary spirit。On June 2, under the guidance of the docent, the students successively visited the three exhibition areas of "History echoes the voice of the people", "immortal songs fly out of the mountains" and "Let the songs of the heart be sung from generation to generation" in the New China Memorial Hall without the Communist Party。Through a variety of artistic means, combined with a number of historical photos, the memorial Hall shows Mr. Cao Hwasheng's experience in composing the song "Without the Communist Party, There would be No New China" and the historical impact of this red song。After the visit, the students gathered in front of the old site where the song "Without the Communist Party There Would Be No New China" was written and sang "Without the Communist Party There would be No New China" in unison.。The red song was loud and clear, bringing everyone back to that period of time, accepting the baptism of a revolution from the ideological perspective, and deeply recognizing the historical fact and objective truth that there would be no new China without the Communist Party, and that only the Communist Party can lead the people forward。

  此次活动是精工书院党支部带领入党积极分子学习贯彻党的十九大精神与习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的生动实践。After the activity, the students said that in the process of visiting and learning to accept the baptism of spirit and ideological edification, it is the sacrifice of the older generation of revolutionary martyrs, in exchange for today's good life。As an active member of the Party, we must inherit and carry forward the revolutionary spirit of the Communist Party of China, strengthen our ideals and beliefs, integrate our individual ideal pursuit into the cause of the country and the nation, and strive to serve the nation。

  At this point, the "walking Party class" of the Academy of Fine Engineering has come to a successful end。Since October 2018, Seiko Academy has organized college Party membership activists to carry out a series of activities of "Walking Party Lessons" to strengthen the revolutionary traditional education and party spirit education for active Party membership activists through going out to visit and experience。本学期,“行走的党课”活动已带领书院学生赴李大钊故居、鲁迅故居,孔庙和国子监博物馆、首都博物馆、毛主席纪念堂、中国科技馆等进行参观,受众学生150余人次。