
To guide the direction of youth struggle with the banner of the Party

  In Beijing in spring, everything is alive and beautiful。In this blooming and vibrant spring, the Party Central Committee held a grand conference to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement。On the morning of April 30, the teachers and students of Beijing Institute of Technology were in the ideological and political class, in the conference room, in the laboratory, in the classroom...。 [详情]


News trends

"Aim high and strive to become talented" -- Beijing Institute of Technology held 2019...

 On the morning of June 18, our school held a symposium on selecting and transferring students for 2019 and the ceremony in Conference Room 133 of Office Building 2。 [详情]

The Theoretical Learning Center group of the Party Committee of Beijing Institute of Technology (expanded) carried out the "Never forget the beginning...

 On the afternoon of June 13, the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the Party Committee of Beijing Institute of Technology (expanded) carried out a thematic education study on the theme of "Never forget the original heart and remember the mission"。 [详情]


Exhibition of works

  • [Video] "Jinggong News" Beijing Institute of Technology held the eighth Youth...

    To thoroughly implement the spirit of the National Education Conference,To deepen the spirit of the national Conference on Ideological and Political Work in colleges and universities,Promote the school "My motherland I struggle" theme education activities,Train new people to take on the great responsibility of national rejuvenation,The night of May 10th,The eighth "Youth North" annual role model (team) and the Communist Youth League system May 4th Award ceremony was held in the auditorium of Building 7, Zhongguancun Campus。

  • [Video] @All Beili workers, the blockbuster is coming, let us, ...

    On the occasion of the 70th birthday of the motherland, Beijing Institute of Technology sang "Me and My motherland" and "My Motherland" with deep feeling, singing the great motherland and issuing the voice of youth in the new era。

  • 【冰球突破】 "Jingong Micro Vision" Beijing Institute of Technology held "Century-old Youth Dream"...


  • [Video] "Beijing Industrial News" North Technology held "youth heart to the party ...

    To lead the students to better remember the revolutionary history and express patriotic enthusiasm,Show positive times,4月2日,On the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China and the 100th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement,One hundred teachers and students from Beijing Institute of Technology went to the Memorial Hall of the War of Chinese People's Resistance Against Japanese Aggression to organize the special theme of "Youth Heart to the New Era of Party Contributions"。